Feel the Zen Vibes of Goat Yoga

Feel the Zen Vibes of Goat Yoga

Get Fit and Have Fun!

Goat yoga has been gaining popularity as a fun and unique way to get fit, relax, and enjoy some quality time with furry friends. Whether you’re looking to get your zen on or just looking for a hilarious and fun workout, goat yoga could be the perfect activity for you! In this article, we’ll explore what goat yoga is, the benefits it offers, goat yoga poses, and tips for getting the most out of your goat yoga class. Let’s get started!


What is Goat Yoga?

Goat yoga is a type of yoga that takes place with goats! It’s a great way to get fit and have fun while connecting with animals. Goats are known for their gentle and playful personalities and they make great yoga partners. Goat yoga classes are typically held in outdoor settings, such as farms or fields, and can involve anywhere from one to several goats.

When you practice goat yoga, you’ll be doing all of the same basic poses that you would in any other yoga class. The difference is that you’ll have adorable goats hopping around you, sometimes even joining in on the poses! This can make the experience much more enjoyable and can also add a bit of a challenge as you try to keep your balance while a goat is running around you.


Benefits of Goat Yoga

Goat yoga offers a variety of benefits. Here are just a few of the reasons why you should give goat yoga a try:

  • Improved flexibility: Practicing yoga with goats can help to improve your flexibility. The goats will often climb on your back or join in on poses, which can add an extra challenge. This can help to improve your flexibility as you stretch and move in different ways.
  • Stress relief: Spending time with animals can be a great form of stress relief. The goats’ gentle and playful personalities can help to create a calming and peaceful environment. Plus, you won’t be able to help but smile when you see a goat hopping around you!
  • Improved balance: As mentioned before, the goats can add an extra challenge to your yoga practice. This can help to improve your balance as you try to maintain your poses while the goats are playing around you.
  • Fun and unique workout: Goat yoga is a fun and unique way to get fit. You’ll be able to enjoy a good workout while having a great time in a unique setting.


Goat Yoga Poses

Goat yoga poses are the same basic poses that you would do in any other yoga class. However, when you practice yoga with goats, you’ll have the added challenge of keeping your balance as the goats play around you. Here are a few goat yoga poses that you might try:

Upward Facing Dog Pose: This pose is a back-bending yoga posture that lengthens and strengthens the spine and torso. Start by laying face down with feet extended behind you. Inhale as you press through your hands firmly into the floor. Straighten your arms, lifting your torso and your legs a few inches off the floor.
Women doing yoga with baby goats

Tree Pose: This pose will help to improve your balance and focus. Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart. Lift one foot off the ground and place it on your inner thigh or calf. Make sure to keep your hips squared and your shoulders relaxed.

Women in tree pose at goat yoga

Cat and Cow Pose: This pose is great for stretching and relaxing your back. Begin on your hands and knees with your palms flat on the ground and your knees hip-width apart. As you inhale, lift your chin and tailbone towards the sky. As you exhale, round your spine and tuck your chin towards your chest.

Goat Yoga participant with baby goat on back

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Goat Yoga Class

Goat yoga classes can be a great way to get fit and have fun. Here are a few tips to help you make the most out of your goat yoga class:

  • Wear comfortable clothing: Make sure to wear comfortable clothing that doesn’t restrict your movement. Loose-fitting clothes are best since they’ll allow you to move more freely.
  • Don’t be afraid to laugh: Goat yoga classes can be hilarious! Don’t be afraid to laugh and have a good time.
  • Bring a friend: It can be more fun to practice goat yoga with a friend. Plus, they can help to keep you motivated and provide assistance if needed.
  • Don’t take yourself too seriously: Goat yoga is all about having fun and enjoying the moment. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you make a mistake or don’t get a pose right.
  • Respect the goats: Goats are playful and love to explore, but it’s important to respect their boundaries. Make sure to give them plenty of space and don’t try to take them out of their comfort zone.


Equipment Needed for Goat Yoga

The equipment that you’ll need for goat yoga is the same as you would need for any other yoga class. You’ll need a yoga mat, a towel, and some comfortable clothes. Additionally, you may want to bring a water bottle and a few snacks to keep your energy up.


What to Expect at a Goat Yoga Class

Goat yoga classes are usually held in outdoor settings, such as farms or fields. You can expect to start the class with a few warm-up poses and then move into more challenging poses. The goats will be running around you, sometimes even joining in on the poses. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself laughing as you try to keep your balance while the goats are hopping around you!


Where to Find Goat Yoga Classes Near Me

If you’re interested in trying goat yoga, there are plenty of classes that you can attend. Some yoga studios may offer goat yoga classes, but it’s also possible to find classes at farms and other outdoor settings. Here's a list of goat yoga events by state. We are not affiliated with these providers and do not endorse their events, except for Goat Yoga with Honey Down Farm.

Goat Yoga Locations by State

Arizona Goat Yoga

California Goat Yoga

Vail Stables

Goat Yoga Georgia

Goat Yoga Chicago

The Goat Yoga

The Hayloft

New York
NY Goat Yoga

Original Goat Yoga

Hellerick's Family Farm

Goat Yoga with Honey Down Farm


How to Find a Qualified Instructor for Goat Yoga

If you want to make sure that you’re getting the most out of your goat yoga class, it’s important to find a qualified instructor. Look for an instructor who is certified in yoga and who has experience teaching goat yoga classes. You can ask for recommendations from friends or search online for instructors in your area.



Goat yoga is a fun and unique way to get fit and have a good time. With its gentle and playful goats, goat yoga can offer a variety of benefits, such as improved flexibility, stress relief, and improved balance.

If you’re interested in trying goat yoga, the first step is to find a class near you. Luckily, there are plenty of goat yoga classes popping up all over the country. For example, if you’re in the Southeast Wisconsin or the Milwaukee area, you can check out Honey Down Farm Goat Yoga or Goat Yoga on the Farm.



If you’re not in the Milwaukee area, you can also find classes near you by searching for “goat yoga milwaukee” or “goat cuddles near me” on Google. You can also check out sites such as Meetup and Eventbrite to find classes in your area.



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